Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

How to be successfull interior designer


Dear Readers!

If like me, you've always wondered how to be a successful interior designer, just watch this video and you will know it! ;) ....
... of course not!!!
Nobody can tell you how to be  successful interior designer, you have to figure it out for yourself!
Sounds ceepy bu that's the way it is, isn't it?

Happy Guerlain

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013

Surrealistic interiors part 2


Dear Readers!

Here's a selection of amazing surrealistic interiors.

Be amazed!

Happy Burberry

Dienstag, 26. November 2013

Surrealaistic Video


Dear Readers!

Here's an enchanting surrealistic video with ambient music and surreal pictures.
Be surprised and forget to wake up from your dream!

Happy Zadig& Voltaire

Sonntag, 24. November 2013

THE surrealistic movie: Alice in Wonderland


Dear Readers!

May I present to you the most surrealistic, beautiful, phantastic,amazing,dreamy movie I ever saw: Alice in Wonderland.
Dive into this phantastic world!
(The movie is in german but if you prefer english just type in the english version.)

Sweet dreams!

Happy Marc by Marc Jacobs

Surrealistc shooting/photos!!


Dear Readers!

I found some amazing SURREALISTIC photographs, I absolutely ADORE them!
Don't forget to wake yourself up from this surrealisitic & strange dream!
and don't forget to enjoy this either !


Happy Frey Wille

Donnerstag, 21. November 2013

Design store CASANOVA contemporain


Dear Readers!

Yesterday I went to the amazing design store CASANOVA contemporain.
I was impressed by their selection exposed on two floors.
Here's the full adress:
CASANOVA contemporain (mobilier, décoration et luminaires)
26, avenue de la Porte-Neuve
L-2227 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 - 22 26 27
Here are the pictures I took.

Happy Yves Saint Laurent